Dr Emanuel Vincent Farrugia

Quality Assurance Executive AHEX GROUP

As the lead internal quality assurance, together with the IQA team, Emanuel is constantly working at providing quality assurance for qualifications, both within national frameworks and within each approved centre. Emanuel is the key in ensuring the validity and reliability of assessment in qualifications for AHEX Group.

Some of Emanuel’s roles involve planning, operating and evaluating internal assessment and quality assurance systems; supporting and developing tutors, assessors and all staff; monitoring and improving the quality of assessor and assessment practice; and applying policies, procedures and legislation to meet external/regulatory requirements.

Emanuel’s main focus at AHEX Group is to ensure that the AHEX brand and methodology maintains its high standard that guarantees assurance to learners, employees and companies in their improvement and development path.

Emanuel comes from the field of supply chain and logistics within the manufacturing sector and has extensive experience in coaching locally and abroad in the subject as well as other related topics. His extensive work experience has also made him familiar with quality systems protocols, which he eventually also supported academically through his studies.

His experiences have made Emanuel a versatile leader with a wide-ranging skill set and able to provide support in various tasks and levels when needed.

Emanuel is a firm believer in continuous professional and personal development and life-long learning, having recently successfully completed a doctoral degree, making him a true reflection of the AHEX methodology.

Emanuel highly values honesty and open communication, self-discipline and respect towards others.

He is a strong believer that every individual has abilities that make them unique.

Emanuel takes interest in anything that could increase his general knowledge.

He is an active person who values health and wellbeing.

In his spare time you will find Emanuel acting, watching films or listening to music, amongst a number of other interests.

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